Welcome to Lucid Dreaming Experience, a free, reader supported, quarterly publication that features lucid dreams and articles on lucid dreaming. Our goal is to educate and inspire lucid dreamers through sharing lucid dreams, exploring lucid dream techniques, and discussing the implications of lucid dream activities.
The LDE has been published quarterly since 2001, though it was originally called The Lucid Dream Exchange. It is a registered ISSN (ISSN 2167-616X) and supported by donations from our readers.
“An independently published quarterly e-zine dedicated to educating and inspiring lucid dreamers everywhere.”
Lucid dreamers send us their personal lucid dream experiences and articles (please go here to submit your lucid dream or article) interviews, book reviews, etc.
Then we collect all of the lucid dreams and publishable articles, create the LDE magazine and send it out to our readers and subscribers!
Through the lucid dream experiences of our readers, you will learn a lot about lucid dreaming — new challenges to try, techniques to prolong lucidity, ideas about the boundaries of lucid dreaming and more. Many of our readers find that reading about lucid dreams in the LDE (particularly at night before going to sleep) increases their likelihood of having lucid dreams!
I see lucid dreaming as an 'open platform' where you can explore, experiment and engage the near-infinity of the unconscious mind.
The LDE allows lucid dreamers from around the world to share their discoveries, their successes and failures and inspire others to continue deeper on the lucid dreaming path!
My main interest in lucid dreaming is in exploring the varying states of awareness that can be experienced; from a subtle lucidity to achieving multiple awareness of simultaneously occurring dreams.
Interacting with my 'parallel' selves in lucid dreams hint at tantalizing aspects of the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics, which I find particularly intriguing.
I’ve been interested in lucid dreaming before I even knew there was a term for it. My favorite lucid dreams are the spontaneous type that spark the creative mind to be set into motion.
I’m intrigued by ultra-vividness of color and dramatic, and / or emotional combination. Because of a lucid visitation dream. the way I view and creatively approach photography as artistic expression was significantly altered.
Janet Mast is a dreamer, writer, and artist living in Michigan. She does freelance work in marketing communications and has been part of the LDE team since 2015, first as advertising manager, then as graphic designer since 2017.
She wholeheartedly supports the mission of the LDE and strives to design each issue with lucid creativity and intuitive flow. Occasionally she shares some of her own lucid dreams and photographs in the LDE.
Robert Waggoner wrote Lucid Dreaming - Gateway to the Inner Self -- which are available in Print, Audible, Kindle, etc.
Robert Waggoner also co-authored the award winning, Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple, (with Caroline McCready) that is available in Print, Audible, Kindle, as well as German, French, Chinese, etc.
Robert also conducts numerous online workshops -- click here to learn more. He also volunteers for the non-profit Lucid Dreaming Foundation at https://luciddreamingfoundation.org
Your lucid dreams can educate and inform others about the joy, potential and practice of lucid dreams. Plus, you get to see your lucid dream printed in a lucid dream magazine!
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To keep the LDE as a free resource for lucid dreamers around the world, consider making a one time, monthly or quarterly donation via Patreon or Paypal.
Your support helps pay for the annual costs of this volunteer effort.