Robert Waggoner encourages lucid dreamers to let go of limiting beliefs and concepts about the lucid dream state and be open to new freedoms and larger awareness
Marlise shares the various responses she has received from the awareness behind the dream
Daryl4D asks, Is life really but a dream? If so, what does it really take to contact the Awareness behind the Dream?
Moment Johnson recounts several experiences when seeking guidance from her lucid dreams
Connecting with the Numinous Through the Lens of Kabbalah by Linda Yael Schiller
Musings on senses, dreaming, OBEs, and reality inspired by the story of a cave salamander by Daniel Lancaster
Through a lucid dream Karim discovered the path to personal power as a co-creator with the Larger Awareness
Trusting in the awareness behind the dream, David L Kahn experiences many pleasant surprises
Alexandra Enns is asking big questions and getting surprising answers
Karim learns an extraordinary insight about forgiveness in his lucid dream
Lucy Weir uses lucid dreaming as an opportunity to practice several tasks
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