An excerpt from a short story by Justin Phillips
A mother and daughter lucid dream experiment by Cam Lin.
Lucy Gillis explores the possibilities of what may lie behind some unusual lucid dreaming events
How Mike Fox’s recurring dream progressed towards lucidity
Daryl 4D explores the metaphorical aspects of dreams
Ileana Lartigue discovers that the ‘awareness behind the dream’ is not limited to dreamtime
Daniel Lancaster shares some thoughts and questions regarding the greater ‘Mind’ behind the dream
An excerpt from the new release The Art of Lucid Dreaming by Clare R. Johnson, PhD.
Jo Harthan shares a “dream that planted a seed” for a new novel
An excerpt from a short story by Talli Peled, wherein a girl gets pulled by her shadow, which is a portal into waking dreams
Jessica Skolovski shares a transformative lucid dream of interacting with the larger awareness
Ivan Picoli asked the awareness behind the dream to help him heal the wounds of his past and lucidly witness the shadow integration
Maria Isabel Pita recounts lucid dreams in which she has been both student and teacher
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